
    Our technical roadmap outlines the required minimum to launch Communa as a product and generate revenue through a 5% fee on freelancer income.
    The platform operates within a framework where freelancers are paid every week.

    This workflow relies on a website that gives access to job publishing freelance marketplace, timesheets, and reports.
    Our time tracker desktop app automatically tracks time spent working with escrow smart contracts for instant payment processing in stable coins like USDT.

    Roadmap - Communa Network - Time tracking and Decentralized Freelance Identity

    P1. Time Tracking

    During the initial phase, we're developing a desktop application for time tracking, a user dashboard for profile management and project creation, and an invoicing system. This phase lays the foundation for Communa, securing initial investments and conducting preliminary market analysis. Key features include Time Tracker app development, user dashboard creation, and security measures like Web3 wallet authorization.

    Ongoing platform enhancement efforts prioritize refining and optimizing existing features, enhancing usability, reliability, and security while providing thorough testing and user support to ensure a seamless working experience for freelancers.


    Our project centers on developing cross-platform applications. The desktop application supports Windows, Linux, and macOS, offering automated time tracking. It includes user guides and FAQs for seamless navigation. Users can create personalized time-tracking projects and generate invoices in USDT and TON, leveraging support for EVM and TON blockchains


    The application has been successfully tested across Windows, Linux, and macOS platforms. Its dashboard features comprehensive time-tracking statistics, user profiles, and project management capabilities. We are currently initiating the development of smart contracts.


    We conducted a comprehensive market analysis of existing trackers and user preferences to guide further application development. Additionally, we have released essential documentation and launched official channels on Telegram, Twitter, and Facebook.


    Tokenomics will be optimized and augmented as the project progresses. Our main task is to organically link the token to the platform functionality and real actions of community members. We have selected low-fee and stable blockchains to operate and the first tokens on the blockchain Polygon were emitted.


    We are conducting a freelance market analysis to create financial models and assess the potential of our web3 freelance project. Our financial model incorporates a 5% commission structure. Currently, we are actively seeking seed funding to support innovative project ideas using our own capital.

    P2. Freelance marketplace

    Phase 1 of development focuses on enhancing user capabilities within Communa, enabling users to engage in peer-to-peer transactions on the blockchain with a 5% commission fee introduction. The active implementation of the marketing strategy commences to drive platform awareness and user adoption. In the code realm, the beta version of Time Tracker (Cross-platform) is launched, featuring advanced functionalities like workflow screenshots and detailed work statistics.

    Market analysis guides further development, expanding functionalities to include public project creation, peer-to-peer escrow transactions, and extended personal profiles for users. The product evolves with enhanced functionality, including project specialization options and a communication environment for user engagement. Decentralized reputation systems are developed to empower users with control over their reputations, while comprehensive instructions facilitate user onboarding.

    Marketing efforts are intensified, attracting opinion leaders and ambassadors to promote platform visibility. Tokenomics are refined, and early users receive airdrops of the token, which is integrated into the platform as payment and reward. Financial strategies are finalized, including a 5% commission on transactions with escrow, as efforts to secure initial investments progress.


    With our cross-platform time tracking application, freelancers can earn based on time spent, not just fixed projects. Escrow secures funds before transactions, ensuring payment upon completion. Freelancer profiles showcase skills and experience, expanding to include a decentralized reputation in the future. Easy job and freelancer discovery by category enhances user experience.


    Launching the stable version of the Time Tracker desktop with enhanced freelancer monitoring features like screenshots and subtask management. Implementing an escrow smart contract to secure funds until freelancer work completion. Introducing decentralized freelancer profiles through dedicated smart contracts. Launching a comprehensive decentralized freelance marketplace with core API and UI/UX development.


    Distribution of the first airdrop to incentivize early adopters and launch of a Bounty program aligned with our project's tokenomics. Integration of our token for feeless payments, earning rewards for activity, and expanding functionality.


    First airdrop to support early adopters and launch of the Bounty program per the tokenomics of the project. Integration of our token for payment without commissions, receiving rewards for activity, and more.


    Implementation of a 5% transaction fee with escrow, finalization of the financial model based on current data, and initiation of the first round of seed funding.

    P3. Identity and Reputation

    Phase 3 marks a significant advancement for Communa across various fronts. In terms of product development, we witness the introduction of crucial elements like Decentralized Freelance Identity (DFI), Reputation, and Verified profiles, along with the implementation of a Dispute Resolution Framework and a DAO for governance. The code section sees the release of the Time Tracker mobile (Beta version) and the development of smart contracts for DFI, Reputation, and dispute resolution.

    Marketing efforts are geared towards building a robust referral network, expanding the reach of niche expertise online, fostering partnerships with freelance communities, and enhancing the scope of our marketing strategies.

    Token-related activities include the second airdrop of our tokens, its listing on decentralized exchanges, and the provision of priority features and advertising for token holders. From a financial perspective, we focus on providing liquidity on decentralized exchanges, evaluating Communa's primary financial performance, and attracting a second round of investment.


    Introduction of Decentralized Freelance Identity (DFI) alongside Reputation and Verified profiles launches, complemented by the introduction of Dispute Resolution Framework and DAO for governance.


    Launch the Time Tracker mobile (Beta version) alongside the development of DAO for self-governance, DFI, Reputation smart contracts, and dispute resolution frameworks to establish a decentralized freelance reputation system.


    Launch a referral network with token rewards, expanding online specialties, and forming partnerships with employer companies, large communities, and experts. This includes building a referral network, enhancing niche expertise online, collaborating with freelance communities, and extending our marketing plan.


    Initiate a second airdrop for active users and list our tokens on DEX for seamless trading. Token integration will also be implemented to promote the platform, offering priority placements and payment options using our token.


    The next stage of our project focuses on financial growth, including providing liquidity on DEX and securing a second round of funding.

    P4. Scaling and Integrations

    Communa advances with the launch of mobile activity logging, cross-chain DFI and reputation integration, a white-label framework, and onboarding for offline professions. Plans are in place to optimize current functions and introduce new ones. The stable version of the mobile time tracker is released alongside DFI and reputation smart contracts on alternative chains, escrow smart contracts, and developer resources.

    Marketing efforts focus on brand exposure through partnerships with freelance platforms and agencies, integration with existing services, and the introduction of an NFT collection. Token distribution aligns with the tokenomics model, listing the token on centralized exchanges and offering priority features for token holders. Financial initiatives include support for fiat payments, strategic planning for long-term objectives, and achieving financial targets.


    Launching activity logging and time tracking applications for mobile devices, introducing cross-chain DFI and reputation features, and creating a white-label framework for partner customizations. Additionally, we aim to onboard offline professionals and continuously improve and optimize our existing functions.


    Release a stable version of the Time Tracker mobile app, developing a comprehensive mobile application that integrates time tracking, payment, and marketplace features, and implementing DFI and Reputation smart contracts on multiple blockchains. Additionally, we plan to scale these smart contracts across various chains and launch educational resources and support materials for developers.


    Increase brand exposure through specialized partner services, integrate with freelance and agency job services, expand our partner model using open-source code, and introduce an NFT collection with profile integration.


    Distribute tokens per our Tokenomics plan and list them for spot and futures trading on centralized exchanges.


    Implement support for traditional fiat payment methods, advancing strategic planning for future initiatives, and working towards achieving Communa's financial objectives.